Faithful Remembrances Blog

Just another weblog

Heard at My House March 23, 2011

Filed under: Family — faithfulremembrances @ 12:33 pm

William: “MOMMY!!!  Hurry come look, I found a frog and I am not sure but I think it is poisonous!!!!  Can we keep him?”

Me, closely followed by three other children, follow him out to the porch to see this:

At which point the three children cry out in unison, “Awwwww, can we keep him?”

Meet our new pet, with sticky toes, who has a steady diet of lady bugs.


5 Responses to “Heard at My House”

  1. Janet T. Says:

    I’m not letting my kids see this. Next thing you know, we’ll “want” a frog too.

  2. Shara Says:

    We had frogs for the longest time. Every once in a while they’d get out of the terrarium and we’d find them hopping around with dust bunnies attached to them. Have fun with your new pet!

  3. Tova Says:

    I love frogs. But after the recent posts, you aren’t going to eat this one, are you??? 🙂

  4. faithfulremembrances Says:

    Anyone guess where this frog is now? Jumping all over the house.

  5. Kaleb Says:

    Sorry the above comment was made by me not my mom. 🙂

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